Unit – I
Relativistic Mechanics:
Inertial & non-inertial frames, Michelson- Morley experiment, Einsteins postulates. Lorentz transformation
equations. Length contraction & Time dilation, Addition of velocities; Variation of mass with velocity Mass
energy equivalence.
Unit - II
Interference: Interference of light, Biprism experiment, displacement of fringes, Interference in thin films-
wedge shaped film, Newton’s rings,
Unit - III
Polarization- Phenomena of double refraction, Nicol prism, Production and analysis of plane, circular and
elliptical polarized light, Fresnel’s theory of optical activity, Polarimeters .
Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation, Einstein’s Coefficients, construction and
08 Hrs.
- Single, Double
& N- Slit, Diffraction grating, Grating spectra, Rayleigh’s criterion and
resolving power of grating.
working of Ruby, He-Ne lasers and laser applications.
Unit – IV
Fiber Optics and Holography
Fundamental ideas about optical fiber, Types of fibers, Acceptance angle and cone, Numerical aperture,
Propagation mechanism and communication in optical fiber. Attenuation, Signal loss in optical fiber and
Basic Principle of Holography, Construction and reconstruction of Image on hologram
Reference Books:
(i) Concepts of Modern Physics
(ii) Introduction to Special theory of
(iii) Optics
(iv) Optical Fibre & Laser
(v) Fundamental of Physics
(vi) Principles of Physics
Aurthur Beiser (Mc-Graw Hill)
Robert Resnick - Wiely
Ajoy Ghatak (TMH)
Brijlal & Subramanian (S. Chand )
Anuradha De. ( New Age )
Resnick, Halliday & Walker (Wiely )
R.A. Serway & J.W. Jewett
(Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd.)
Unit - I
Wave Mechanics and X-ray Diffraction
Wave- particle duality, de-Broglie matter waves, Phase and Group velocities, Davisson-Germer experiment,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle and its applications, Wave function and its significance, Schrödinger’s wave
equation – particle in one dimensional box.
Diffraction of X-rays by crystal planes, Bragg’s spectrometer, Compton’s effect.10 Hrs.
Unit – II
Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Materials:
Dielectric constant and Polarization of dielectric materials, Types of Polarization (Polarizability) . Equation of
internal fields in liquid and solid ( One- Dimensional), Claussius Mussoti- Equation, Ferro and Piezo electricity
(Qualitative), Frequency dependence of dielectric constant, Dielectric Losses, Important applications of
dielectric material, Langevin’s theory for dia and paramagnetic material, Phenomena of hysteresis and its
Ultrasonic: Generation, detection and application of ultrasonics08 Hrs.
Displacement Current, Maxwell’s Equations ( Integral and Differential Forms). Equation of continuity, EM-
Wave equation and its propagation characteristics in free space and in conducting media, Poynting theorem and
Poynting vectors.06 Hrs.
Superconductivity and Science and Technology of Nanomaterials:
Temperature dependence of resistivity in superconducting materials, Effect of magnetic field (Meissner effect ),
Type I and Type II superconductors, Temperature dependence of critical field, BCS theory (Qualitative), High
temperature superconductors. Characteristics of superconductors in superconducting state, Applications of
Introduction to Nanomaterials- Basic principle of nanoscience and technology, creation and use of buckyballs,
structure, properties and
of Carbon nanotubes, Applications of nanotechnology.06 Hrs.